Tools for Teachers provides context, suggestions and resources for effective lesson planning.
Classes include: Catechetical Movements: Where to Begin, Forming Disciples, Planning Lessons, Prayer and Sacraments, Demonstrations, Story and Drama, Art and Environment, Crafts and Projects, Technology, Reviewing Resources

Understanding what makes Catholic Education unique, this course presents how students learn and the ways we can incorporate various methods in the classroom to more effectively teach the faith.
Classes include: Catholic Education: What is the Difference?, Routines: A Template for Engagement, Temperaments, Learning Styles, The Three Brain Networks, Motivation, Building Community in the Classroom, Using Your Resources, Assessment/Review Strategies, Trouble Shooting

This course studies best practices for managing classrooms in the Catechetical Ministry.
Classes include: Foundations for Classroom Management, Proactive vs. Reactive Approaches, Day One, A Safe, Well-managed and Friendly Classroom, Setting the Tone, Discipline, Employing our Gifts, Involving their Gifts, Learning from Miss-Takes, Learning Leadership

Reaching the Student with Special Needs is a course designed to assist catechists with practical suggestions and resources so they might truly engage and reach all their students - whether in an integrated class or a Special Learning Needs class.
Classes include: The Call of Christ and the Mission of His Church, The Call to Work with Student with Special Needs, Starting Out: The Welcoming Classroom and General Class Structure, The Challenges of Teaching the Student with Autism: Part 1 (Lower Functioning ASD); The Challenges of Teaching the Student with Autism, Part 2 (Aspergers, ADD, ADHD), The Challenges of Teaching Students Who Have Hearing, Visual and/or Physical Impairments, The Challenges of Teaching Students with Down Syndrome and Students with Intellectual Impairments, Preparing Students with Special Needs to Attend Mass and Receive Baptism and Holy Communion, Preparing Students with Special Needs to Receive First Reconciliation and Confirmation, Teaching with the Bible, the Saints, the Virtues and the Welcoming Church.

This course was written in the effort to help both professional and volunteer teachers effectively use their Spiritual lives and real tools to employ balance rather than give up on it.
Classes include: The Foundations of Time Management, Been Busy?, Stage Management, The Sabbath, The Compass, Chrono-logic, The Daily Process, Goals, Attention Management, Ten Essential Tools